Exercise for Confidence

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Exercise is an important tool that helps us achieve this physical confidence and empowers us, it make us feel better about ourselves. All you have to do is take a walk a few times a week, and you’ll see benefits. Beyond the postural imbalances, muscle tensions and day-to-day energy demands, the ability to be physically available to your day’s requirements is crucial. Today, we’re looking at some important benefits of exercise with respect to physical confidence and how it can go a much longer way.

sense of Achievement: Whenever you exercise your personal worth increases because it gives you a feeling that you have done something rather than sitting passively and brooding over issues. exercises improves our postures. posture doesn’t just reflect your level of confidence, insecurity, or anything else. Instead, your posture sends messages to your brain that tell you how to feel. If you need to feel confident, you want your posture to send your brain that message. Right postures gives confidence.

Enhanced well-being: When you exercise, the body releases chemical substances known as endorphins which relieve stress and make you feel good psychologically. This boosts your confidence.

On the other hand, high self esteem is also a natural gift. You don’t have to learn it. You got it already but it’s covered by dirt. You mostly have to unlearn what is blocking you, getting the dirt off. Instinctively you know your worth when you are born into this world. confident people are awesome. They give off a warm, magnetic energy that makes people feel really comfortable in their presence.

A baby has no fears about his future skills or what people will think about him. The concept of failure doesn’t exist. It tries, to walk, falls and tries again until the child succeeds. Maybe because it doesn’t think in ways of approval and rejection there’s no problem. It is just driven and focused on getting the job done. When we grow older it is mainly removing a limiting way of thinking that uncovers all our power and unstop us from growing to our unlimited possibilities. Most teenagers, especially after a few years in the public education, not only don”t have confidence in themselves, they actively doubt their own worth.

Appearance: Exercise gives you a good appearance and your body image improves. Feeling attractive and good about the way you look pumps up your self-confidence. Your muscle are toned up. Looking into the mirrors make you feel good and shapely with right curves.

Change of Mindset: There are numerous ways to build your self confidence. Exercise is one of them. On some occasions when you are lost in anxious and negative thoughts, doing physical exercise can shake this mindset and make you feel confident and positive.

Reliable Anchor: Exercise acts as a reliable anchor point in our life and makes you feel in control. Whenever we have something constant to look forward to we feel good and confident. We feel energetic after exercise and all our stress erases.

Socialization: Whether it is joining a gym, walking in the neighborhood park, attending a yoga or dance class, exercise gives us space and opportunity to meet people and form bonds. Socialization adds to the confidence. Gives an opportunities to mingle with people and get involved with the community.

Competition: While exercising you may have a wish to challenge yourself or someone else. Going past your limit makes you feel on the top of the world. You get confidence to participate in any competition and become strong physically to face the challenges of life.

Sexual Performance: Many people feel low due to a bad sex life. Physical exercise improves your sexual stamina and sexual performance and enhances self-reliance and both the partners are happy and live in harmony.

Attention and Concentration: Exercise also increases your attention and concentration, which means that you can focus on your work a lot better and this becomes an important feel good factor your grades improve or get promotion in job.

It helps to sleep better. You get good sleep at night.(insomnia)

It improves blood circulation. Which makes skin shine and look totally healthy.

It boosts the body”s immunity. Saves money no visit to doctors.

It improves the respiratory health. When you exercise you take deep breaths so every cell in your body get oxygen.

Improves flexibility

Slows down aging process

Improves athletic performance

Perfects postures.

Yoga and Confidence

Before we start discussing more thoroughly about how yoga can strengthen your self-confidence, let us first talk about just what exactly is yoga, and how it is performed. Yoga originated from ancient India, yoga is a belief that a man”s mind, body and spirit should work in harmony, but the monks didn’t introduce it to the West until the late 18th or 19th century. In Sanskrit, which is the ancient language of India, ‘yoga’ basically means ‘union’. This is due to the fact that yoga aims to unify the mind, spirit and body.

It was discovered 5,000 years ago. It was developed to show the appreciation for the body. Ancient yogis believed that the body should be treated well and respected because it is the main medium for man”s growth and work, yoga has six forms. These are breathing, meditation ,exercise devotion, self control and service.

Most people now a days are more interested in yoga as a form of exercise. Yoga offers a profound sense of physical and psychological well being. On the other hand, there is also another word derived from Sanskrit that perfectly describes yoga, which is ‘asana’. Asana is the execution of different physical poses or postures. Many are practicing yoga because it is proven to help calm the mind, reduce stress, relieve pain and lose weight (which most often translates to an increase in confidence.)

A lot of individuals who haven’t dabbled with yoga think that this discipline is just all about stretching. But yoga is about more than just stretching. Its about creating balance in body and mind, and joining the two together and bringing them into close communication.

Some who are not familiar with yoga think that it is an exercise composed of poses that are also impossible to do. In particular, the popular perception associate yoga with a system of bendy, twisty, physical movements and positions.

In other words yoga is a lot more than that. Yoga is more on creating a way to balance the body by enhancing your strength and flexibility, it is not only the body that gains benefits from this practice, but also the mind.

Oftentimes we find ourselves in a situation where we feel like we just don’t want to stand out from the crowd for fear of being ridiculed. We lack confidence because of it we lose many good opportunities in life. If you’re wondering on how yoga can greatly help you enhance and strengthen your self-confidence, here are some explanations

Recent scientific research into the effects of yoga on the body and mind have shown that these physical practices have enormous benefits for physical and psychological health. They can help you to lose weight, tone muscles, treat a number of medical problems, improve your flexibility and posture, keep your muscles relaxed and supple, regulate your appetite, etc. They also decrease the all too common psychological sufferings and mindfulness and boost your mood and brain power overall. Thanks to the breathing exercises of yoga, more oxygen can enter your muscles, thus providing your muscles with more vigor.

Yoga can help you understand more your mind as well as your body. With yoga, you will become more aware of your limitations, as well as your potentials.

Just the act of going to a yoga class can boost our self-confidence. It sends such a positive message to our hearts and minds that shows we care about ourselves. This alone can elevate our opinion of ourselves.

As we start to build our physical strength and work our way into more challenging poses, we feel stronger on the inside. And balancing yoga poses become easier the more we practice, showing us that we’re capable of changing and growing. Many are hesitant about practicing yoga not just because it appears to be painful and uncomfortable but also it involves a lot of poses.

The warrior pose (Virabhadrasana I, ii, iii )


It has three positions ie, 3 parts . The first part is to strengthen of the middle section of the body. The second is to strengthen the upper part of the body. The third is to strengthen the lower body. The third of which is more challenging. These poses are excellent for toning muscles in the leg, butt, core, back and arms as well as encouraging circulation and restoring a youthful appearance. They also instill a sense of youthful confidence and courage making your awareness sharper and more focused- the attitude of a determined warrior.


This sequence of 3 poses is named for a legendary warrior, virabhadra. The first pose imitates his stance as, summoned by lord Shiva, he rose up from the earth with the sword in his hands piercing the sky.

Warrior pose 1

  • Take deep breath, twist your body to the right. Twist as far as possible. Exhale, take another deep breath and return to the basic warrior pose. Exale.
  • Take another deep breath and twist your body to the left, Exhale take another deep breath and return to the basic warrior pose.
  • While taking deep breath, slide your left foot beside the right foot and assume the warrior pose.
  • Repeat the process with your other leg.yoga-815288_1280

Benefits : Warrior pose 1. Strengthens muscles in the legs feet, back shoulder and arms. It also stretches the hips and calves. It increases balance. Warrior pose also improves concentration.


Warrior pose II is accessible for most people, and even though it’s relatively uncomplicated, it can still make you feel really strong, steady, and confident.


Tips: Approach this pose from a place of strength so you can embody the qualities of a warrior and reap confidence. Really hold your space, which starts from the feet. Press them into the earth with intent and purpose, and you’ll feet that flow up through your whole body.

From the same standing position as before, again stretch the legs apart to the same width as before. Stretch your arms to either side, parallel to the ground. Then again rotate the left foot so that it points to the left. Lean into that direction with your left leg, bending the knee. Keep your back straight, your gaze should move along the left arm. Hold the pose for a count of 5

Then return to the stretched, square stance. Repeat the same movements on the right side.

Repeat for 5 to 10 rounds, then return to the original standing position.

Benefits : Increases height . It also relieves the back pains. It tones the butt. It also helps avoiding scoliosis and osteoporosis.

Warrior pose III :

  • Slip your left leg to the back.
  • Take a deep breath and raise your left leg up while bending your upper body forward. Your upper body and left leg should be parallel to the floor your hands should be on your sides.
  • Take at least four deep breaths.
  • Slowly lower your leg and raise your upper body. Return to the mountain pose.
  • Take a few deep breaths to relax your body.
  • Repeat the process on the other leg. Repeat the process at least 4 times for both legs.

Benefits : It improves agility and balance. Just as it imitates an extremely focused sword thrust, this asana improves concentration and focus. It tones the muscles in the leg, as well as strengthening your core.


The chair pose (Utkatasana)

  • stand in Tadasana. Inhale and raise your arms perpendicular to the floor. Either keep the arms parallel, palms facing inward, or join the palms.
  • Exhale and bend your knees, trying to take the thighs as nearly parallel to the floor as possible. The knees will project out over the feet, and the torso will lean slightly forward over the thighs until the front torso forms approximately a right angle with the tops of the thighs. Keep the inner thighs parallel to each other and press the heads of the thigh bones down toward the heels.
  • Firm your shoulder blades against the back. Take your tailbone down toward the floor and in toward your pubis to keep the lower back long.
  • Stay for 30 seconds to a minute. To come out of this pose straighten your knees with an inhalation, lifting strongly through the arms. Exhale and release your arms to your sides into Tadasana.20160925_112534

Beginner”s Tip.

To help you stay in this pose, perform it near a wall. Stand with your back to the wall, a few inches away from the wall. Adjust your position relative to the wall so that when you bend into the position, your tailbone just touches and is supported by the wall.


It helps alleviate gastritis and other stomach pains caused by menstrual pains or menopausal symptoms. It relieve constipation and tones up the hip and butt muscles. It improves the posture. It flatters your belly.

Half Moon Pose (Ardha Chandrasana)

This pose can be challenging for a mind full of self-doubt. But on the flip side, it can quickly help to build self-confidence—and it can also be a lot of fun!

One leg is bent forward while the other is extended behind you. Your fingers touch the floor and your back and neck are arched upward.

The position of the body is mostly the same here. From equestrian pose, lift your hands from the floor and bring your palm together in front of your chest. Then stretch the arm high above your head and arch them backwards. Hold that position briefly, then again bring the fingers down to the floor in equestion pose before proceeding to the next pose.


Beginner”s Tip

Many beginning students have difficulty touching the floor with their lower hand, even when resting it on the fingertips. These students should support their hand on a block. Start with the block at its highest height and, if your balance is steady and comfortable, lower it down first to its middle height, then finally if possible to its lowest height


Keeping your front knee aligned, press your front foot down into the floor, and resist it to the right, as though you were trying to turn your front foot out, but can’t because it’s stuck to the floor.

Keep that, and press your back foot against the wall, and resist up, as though someone was trying to push your back thigh down and you were resisting against them (your foot and leg won’t actually move, you’re just resisting).

Maintaining this dual resistance (pressing down and resisting out with the front foot, and pressing back into the wall and resisting up with the back foot), you might even find that you’re so stable that you can not only extend your top arm up, but you might even be able to lift your bottom hand away from the block!